Site Sell Review
And Hans Christian Andersen

Looking for a Site Sell Review? Maybe because you've come across the Site Build It Scam myth online? There's a moral lesson that applies aptly to that smear campaign and it is very similar to a tale by Hans Christian Andersen.
With modern life comes many conveniences. We've got computers to track everything from finances to food, appointments to airline schedules. We've got GPS to keep us from getting lost, satellite TV and radio to bring us stations from all over the world, and appliances that run themselves so we don't even have to vacuum anymore.
The Internet is completely machine-driven and those machines use algorithms to evaluate data and determine content value, among other things. The algorithm can be our friend or it can be our foe, depending upon how we behave online.
Algorithms work hard to monitor human visitor behavior. They are designed to determine what humans like and what they don't. They want humans to be pleased and they get smarter all the time.
Pleasing Human Visitors is the Way to Go
That is why Site Build It! encourages SBI!ers (folks who use SBI!) to give the engines what they want. Don't fight the engines or try to trick them. Games and schemes will always backfire sooner or later. Working with the engines and pleasing human visitors instead will result in increasing traffic. If done in sufficient quantity and in high quality, it can even create ever-growing traffic.
But the message isn't very popular in some circles and communicating it can be quite treacherous. Some scoff, some laugh and some even attack by writing a fake Site Sell review to slam it. Why would that be when the message is so logical, so valid?
A Real-Life Example of a Childhood Tale
Back in grade school, some of us learned the tale of The Emperor's New Clothes, by Hans Christian Andersen. In that story, the Emperor went around naked after being bamboozled into thinking his new suit was made out of special fabric, visible only to the privileged or gifted. His royal subjects played along, pretending not to notice the spectacle of a completely naked Emperor parading down the street.
Everyone around the Emperor kept up pretenses for various reasons, but mostly out of fear of being different. It took a child with fresh, uncorrupt eyes to see the scene for what it was – The Emperor was naked and looked like a fool!
Every fake Site Sell review in the Site Build It Scam campaign is exactly like the Emperor and/or his royal subjects, blindly following the leader, without question.
Why would they do this?
There are several obvious answers:
- Fear (of not going along with and being shut out of the peer group)
- Greed (because they have been promised financial gain and support for being obedient)
- And self benefit of other kinds (acceptance and belonging)
If you follow along on the Site Sell Review trail, you will find all the pieces to the puzzle and instances where leaders admit leading their followers to wrongdoing.
It's up to you to decide if you see a naked Emperor or not.
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